Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Taste of High School

As I read my "life." blog, I began thinking about my first year in high school. I ended up writing a blog similar to my eighth grade one. Hope you like it!

How do I summarize my first taste of high school? Was it everything I had hoped for? Was it memorable? Was it worth it. Yes, yes, and yes. Sure, the work was more challenging, but nothing I could not handle. The group of friends I had last year split, and new friendships formed. We learned freshman do not under ANY circumstances 'rule the school' or have a higher power over seniors. We learned about what matters, and what does not. We learned who our real friends are, and who are not. We learned to go with the flow of things. We learned about life, and we learned about death. We learned that this is the time that counts for the real world. We learned a little more about ourselves, and opened up more questions we have. We learned to share and love and just live a little better than we did before. We now embrace our experiences, and do not try to fight what is coming. We take each day separately, and do not think about the near future. College is right around the corner. Just three more years, and we are all out of here. This is what high school is all about. Now, next year, we will all be sophomores. We will face more problems with our everyday lives, but we can, and we will, handle it. It is what 'high schoolers' do.

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