Sunday, July 1, 2007


Originally from May 2006. I wrote this as my junior high year ended. You can see how I've changed my writing from then, until now. Enjoy!

Drama. Lies. Guys. Fights. All apart of junior high life. But put all of that aside and look to the brighter side of life. Remember all the girls that have become your best friends. Guys that have become brothers to you. Any one of these people would do anything for you, and you would do the same for them. Remember there is more to the people you call friends. There are all the memories that we have shared and the inside jokes that no one understands, but us. Oh, and all of the times that we have spent together. We couldn't be any closer. We are like a family now, enjoying the best of times and getting through the worst in one piece. There is not one thing you would not do for these people. No matter how big or how small it is, you will be there for them. You have known some of them for a decade, and others you have only known for a few months. Nevertheless, our friendship is just as strong. With all that has happened this year, we could write a forty-chapter novel. Even that would hardly be long enough. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world. That is because my friends are my world. They are my everything. However, the end of eighth grade year is quickly approaching, and soon this will all end. Then, the summer will come. But what will become of all the fights and guys, drama and lies? We save that for next year when we are freshman, and there will be even more lies, drama, guys, and fights. This is what we will call high school and I cannot wait.

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