Sunday, July 1, 2007

Summer is boring me.

Orginally Posted June 25, 2007:

Can you say nerd? No, I'm just extremely bored this summer. Sure, I love hanging out with people, but my days seem so pointless. I sleep in until I get yelled at to wake up. I spend the rest of the day doing nothing at all. I want to go back to school so I am able to see people again. I don't mind school. The work wasn't bad either. I miss seeing everyone.

Lately, I've been writing a lot. Nothing I want to publish on this however. It's all those stupid "love" quotes. I'm done publishing those unless I absolutely love what I have wrote. I want to go to college for writing. At least journalism, if nothing more. My only worry is that I would not get anywhere with it. I'd love to write a book, or get published, anything really. I don't have a profound story to write about though.

I hate when inspiration comes to me at night. I wish I could sit here and write for hours, or until I am summoned to go upstairs. Who goes to bed before two in the summer anyways? I do. Back to inspiration. When I think for a long time, I'm talking days, I finally reach a point where I sum up all my ideas into something I call writing. It helps me to understand what's happening with everyone and why they act in certain ways. I hate not understanding things or not knowing things. I always want to be in the know.

Few, quick things about me: I will listen to any song you tell me about. I remember phone numbers in an instant. I am the one who always thinks she's right, no matter what the reality is. I have beliefs. I only speak of them when others bring them up. Otherwise, I'm not too vocal about anything really. To really know me, you need to read what's on here. This, and my other blog, are my deepest feelings. I won't talk about these with you because I don't like talking all that much. I like to write. It's what I do. I'm a great listener because of this. I like most people. If I don't, you must have really screwed things over with me. I can be your best friend or nothing at all. You choose.

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