Thursday, June 21, 2007

I've come to closure with myself

I thought I was not over you, but turns out I am. I don't feel any attraction, I don't want to be together. That doesn't mean I want to see you with other people, but it's a start. I can deal with this now. I can deal with just being friends. I can deal with the idea of us not together. I've gone through many withdraws of thinking about us and how I wanted you, but that's all gone. Sorry to be blunt, but I don't want you. I've moved on to someone else. Even though he and I are not together, there is a chance for him and I to be together in the future. With you, I know we are not going to happen again. You and I both know it would be awkward and weird and almost unnecessary to happen again. We know how we work. We know how it is. Why do it all over again? Why have that hurt again? Why recreate the past when we can trek forward to the future? I know you'll eventually move on to someone new, and I probably won't like it, but I won't try and interfere or anything immature. I'll be there for you with my significant other at my side. I'll be happy for you. When we see each other, we can smile and wave and be friendly to each other because that is what we are. Friends.


Anonymous said...

haha we all know who this is about :]

Anonymous said...

haha, yes. it is pretty obvious. you'd have to be totally out of touch to not get it, lol.