Saturday, June 23, 2007

All Ways, Always

Lostprophets has the title of this blog as a song on their newer album and I'm basically obsessed. I should have listened to this song way back when since it describes what I felt then perfectly.

Back to the present: Today, I was reading my old messages on Facebook for no apparent reason and I miss what I had then, even a month ago. I wish I could salvage what was going on then. I have a party to go to tomorrow and I don't know how that is going to go if a certain person happens to show up. It could be awkward, or not. It'll be what I make it. I hope I make it good. I hope it starts, continues, and ends well.

I don't have much inspiration to write today since I haven't done anything all day or talked to my best friend or anything good like that. I'll say lately I've been thinking more and more about things. Things meaning everything going on and the past year or so. High school changes you. I think its been for the better, for the most part. I believe I've become more mature from a year ago. I've changed groups of friends, but I've held on to a few who will always be there. With some, I've been not as close, but that's all slowly changing. I guess the friends who count are here or will be soon. What matters will stick with you your entire life and what doesn't will fizzle out soon enough.

Next year, I hope to apply myself more in my classes. I hope to earn the A's I get. I want to put forth more effort into projects, homework, everything. Especially newspaper. I didn't write articles when I had the time to. Starting next year, I hope to be a new person. Not personality-wise, I like who I am, just in school. I want to have over a 4.0 and I want an A in English and History and Algebra 2. Watch out world, here I come.


CeeJus said...

Tegan, I don't think anybody wrote their newspaper articles when they were supposed to.

Anonymous said...

That's true. I just don't want to be waiting until the last day like everyone did every issue.