Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Don't Understand Closure.

you tore us apart when it was getting good. your 'just friends' excuse just didn't cut it, yet i didn't fight. four months later, i found myself in the arms of another. it reminded me of how it was for us. i enjoyed being with someone else. when that didn't last, i wanted to swear off guys for a while. now, I'm stuck on you again. i thought i had moved on from you, and for a while i did. when the other guy and i had broke up it reminded me of how i felt with you. i don't know how to let you go, though it should be easy. its been five months since we broke up. I've tried not thinking of you and pointing out your flaws but it wont work. i know you probably don't give me a second look, and for all i know you could like someone else, but i want you to know you were the best thing to happen to me. you taught me a lot and i still remember everything we had. i want us again, but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon. i still hope it does. we had something good and i liked 'us'. we worked. we shared music interests, we have the same views on just works. i don't know what happened. maybe you didn't want to become more attached, or maybe you really did think of us as friends. ill probably never know. i cant say this to you, but maybe you'll read this and then you'll know. then id have some closure. then id be able to move on.

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