Friday, December 7, 2007

These mishaps, your bubble wrap. You have no idea what you're like..

I haven't written in this in a long time. I've had too much work, with last term being mostly honors/AP core classes. Now, this term, my only core classes are bio and AP; big deal, eh? So I guess I've got some catching up to do:..

Gym starts up this term. I was completely dreading it since I haven't had gym since seventh grade. But its honestly not that bad. We're going to play broomball. I'm uber excited. I can be completely aggressive, and it shall be fun.

Also, newspaper started. It was fun knowing what to do. There are so many J1 now! But this year, Liz, Meredith, and I got to pick our own computers. I'm the Tech editor for this issue also; fun stuff. I got the articles I wanted too (a review & top ten). I'm excited for what's going to happen next. Oh, and I made a new blog exclusively for anything I write journalism-wise.

Next, hmm, well there's this boy.. (there's always a boy). But I've liked him for so long and everyone already knows it or kinda knows it so I don't need to go on about him. Other people-I've started to make new friends. Chelsea's dating Mitch and we hang out with him a lot now. He taught us Texas Hold 'Em yesterday. We were going to play after school today, but we couldn't.

I'm a little upset I haven't been keeping this up since that was something I wanted to do. But I'll actually have time to now. I wrote a few times in my notebook; I might add those to this eventually. Well, I'm off to bed. Uber tired. Out.

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